On September 10th the members of Sunshinkai (the Warsaw Urasenke Association) were invited to participate in a joint event with Studio Plastyczne Ścieżka at the Studio Teatralne S/T.
wordpress: http://sciezka.art.pl/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Studio-Plastyczne-Ścieżka/122147404505821?ref=ts
Ścieżka asked us to combine a contemplative tea environment with their art show in order to put the guests in a calm state of mind while viewing the pieces.
To do this we had the guests all enter the gallery/theater as if they were coming into a tearoom. First they put on white socks, used a tsukubai, and finally entered through a nijiriguchi (small crawl-through doorway) into the dimly lit room.
Practice the day before
Building the nijiriguchi
Without any additional explaination we started a tea presentation in which three Sunshinkai members arranged flowers, built a charcoal fire and made and drank thick tea on a tatami stage.
First the flowers were arranged
Afterwards the lights came up and the guests were invited to view the art.
About an hour later the guests were asked to sit in two lines where they were served tea in temple style before quietly leaving.
The feedback all seemed good, both the guests and the members of Ścieżka thought the atmosphere and environment lent themselves to a peaceful and contemplative experience.
We always enjoy working with Ścieżka, thanks to you all, the next event lined up sounds equally interesting.