Visit to Colorado

During the Summer break Ula and Aaron visited friends and family in Colorado. The tea activities were many and are highlighted over the next few posts.

A presentation for a group in Estes Park


Drinking matcha was new to nearly the entire group.

The guests all seemed open to the new experience, especially commenting on the overall atmosphere even more than the tea itself.

On the right you see the vase from A. Saqf ( making its first Colorado appearance.

We also used the calligraphy „Ikka Goyou ni Hiraku”, one flower opens into five petals.

One thought on “Visit to Colorado

  1. Congratulation for the new site, and thanks for the nod. I am honoured to have been mentioned here, and surely happy to see the vase travel across the Mediterranean and Atlantic as well! Looking forward to having tea with you and all your tea friends. :)

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