”Japan Days” at Warsaw University

Near the beginning of every school year the Japanese Studies Department at Warsaw University hosts a two day event full of presentations called Japan Days. Several of our members gave presentations and we also held a tea presentation once again with Ścieżka for the opening of the event.  At the same time we hosted tea gatherings in Kaian (the Japanese tea room in the Warsaw University library) both days for all comers as well as for the guest lecturers visiting for the event, Zivka Serper and Hirano Keiichiro.

Ścieżka art included ikebana, ceramics, paintings and caligraphy.


Our utensils, besides the table and kettle, were Polish and American.






We dressed in Western clothes for the presentation at the misonodana (pictured black lacquered table)


Guests trying the sweets and tea



Making tea for some membes of Ścieżka


In Kaian with noted Japanologist Zivka Serper


Students enjoyed the chance to drink tea in an authentic Japanese tearoom and setting



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